Facebook Advertising Tips

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Essential Facebook advertising tips to optimize your campaigns and maximize engagement and conversions.

Facebook Advertising for Internet Marketers

Facebook Advertising Tips: Internet marketers might think getting leads from Facebook advertising is impossible. But this platform is a major source to generate leads, and our services include Facebook advertising services, Facebook paid advertising, Facebook video advertising, advertising with Facebook, Facebook ads & Facebook advertising support.

Facebook Ads


Facebook is making over $4.5+ billion in revenue this year from advertising if someone clicks.

How do you encourage visitors to click your ads? More importantly, how do you get them to buy and get the conversion?

Many marketers have the wrong assumptions, saying that Facebook doesn’t work. Could you not believe them?

If you are new to our Facebook advertising agency, start with this information below. Then, come back to this post for any questions or comments.

In this guide, you’ll learn which businesses are the best fit for Facebook advertising and how to run campaigns successfully. Most markets make simple mistakes, and we will share the biggest factor in your ad’s success.

How do Facebook ads work?

Facebook advertising tips come in several varieties. You can promote your page, posts, user actions, or website. Despite Facebook’s increasing focus on native ads and keeping traffic on its site. You can still encourage visitors to come to your website.

Facebook Target ads

Facebook advertising tips are targeted to users based on Location, profile information, demographics, etc. These options are available on Facebook. After creating an ad, you set a budget and bid for each click or thousand impressions your ad will receive.

Users then see your ads in the sidebar on Facebook.

We will walk you through the best practices for creating cost-per-click (CPC) ads that drive traffic to your website. Facebook’s other Ad options are great for driving engagement and brand awareness, but ads driving users off-site are still the best option for direct response to make a sale for Marketers or advertisers.

Who is best to advertise on Facebook?

Facebook advertising tips: Many businesses need to improve at advertising. Hence, they feel they need to be a better fit. As a marketer, you should always test new marketing channels, especially before demand drives up prices. Make sure to consider your business models fit the network.

Facebook ads are more like display ads than search ads (as Google does). They should be used to generate demand, not fulfil it. Users are on Facebook to connect with their friends and community groups and not to find products to buy.

Conversions (Low Friction)

Facebook advertising tips: The businesses that succeeded with Facebook ads ask users to sign up, not buy. It would help if you used a low-friction conversion to be successful like this.

Visitors to your website were looking for something other than your product. He clicks your ad on a whim. You will fail if you rely on them to buy a product or services you offer immediately and to make your ad ROI positive.

Facebook users can change their minds and likely click back to Facebook if they ask for a purchase upfront. Instead, stick to simple conversions like sign-ups for your service, filling out a short lead form, or submitting an email address.

Even if you sell products, not services, you should consider focusing on an intermediate conversion like a newsletter sign-up. Then, you can upsell later through e-mail marketing.

Similarly, Daily deal options sites like Groupon, App Sumo, and Fab are good examples of businesses that can succeed with Facebook advertising. After you click on one of their ads, they must ask for your email address. They will sell you on a deal later.

Best Facebook Advertising Tips Model for Businesses

Initially, even if you only ask for an email address, you will eventually need to make money from these users if your ads are to be profitable.

Over time, the best business model that fits Facebook ads earns revenue from its users, only some at a time. A user may give his email id, but you’ll need to build more trust before he buys anything.

You should not depend on one big purchase from him. Several smaller purchases are ideal.

Daily deals and subscription sites are great examples of business models that can thrive on Facebook—customers whose lifetime value is spread over six months to one year.

How to target by using Facebook Advertising?

Importantly, the most common mistake marketers make with Facebook advertising is targeting them incorrectly.

Facebook ads can be targeted by:

Facebook advertising tips: Gender Age Interest Connection Relationship status Language Education Work Place Location

Each option can be used depending on your audience, but common targetted tips would be Location, age, gender, and interest.

Location: It allows you to target users in the city, state, country, zip code

Age and Gender targeting should be based on your existing customers. If men aged 35 to 65 are the bulk of your customers and you can start targeting them, they prove to be profitable; interest targeting” is the most powerful but misused feature of FB Ads. When you begin creating an ad, you have two options. One is of “broad category and the other is “Precise Interest”.

Targeting – Broad Category

Facebook advertising tips: Broad categories include topics like gardening, horror movies, consumer electronics, etc. Recently, Facebook has added newer targets like Engaged (1 Year), Expecting Parents, away from Hometown, and having a birthday in 1 week.

Broad interest may seem efficient in reaching a large audience, but these users often spend less and more. So, Avoid using Broad Category targeting.

Precise Interest – Targeting

Facebook advertising tips: Precise interest targeting allows you to target those users based on information in their profile, including “Interests and Listed Likes”. The pages they like, the Apps they use, and the “Timeline profile” content they have provided. You will find the best ROI using Precise Interest targeting.

When we target Precise Interest, Facebook provides the size of the Suggested Likes, Interests, and audience size. You won’t have any competitive data once you select interests for an Ad. Facebook will show an aggregate suggested bid.

Many marketers target the largest groups possible. This is a mistake. These groups are more expensive and less targeted.

Instead of targeting broad terms for your niche like “Yoga” or “Photography”, Facebook advertising tips focus on specific interests. Research which magazines and blogs your customers read, who they follow on Twitter, and which related products they buy. If you use laser-focused interests like these, You’ll reach the people most interested in your topic and the most willing to spend money to buy.

Example: In Udemy, when we added a new DJ course, We didn’t just target the interest of “disc jockey”

Facebook advertising tips: Instead of this, Create ads targeting DJ publications like DJ Magazine and Mixmag. I then created another ad targeting DJ brands like Traktor and Vestax. Combine smaller, related interests into a group with an audience of 50,000 to 1 million+. This structure will create ads with large audiences that are likely to convert.

Facebook advertising tips: Use Facebook Connect as a sign-up option on your site. When users connect via Facebook, You can analyze their interests. Index these interests against the number of fans on their respective Facebook pages.

You will be left with your high-affinity interests. We are using this method. We created a target group that has been our best performer.

Facebook advertising tips: Usage of Images for Facebook Ads

Facebook advertising tips

Facebook advertising tips: Image is the top priority and most important part of your Facebook Advertising. You can write the most brilliant copy in the world if your Image is not appealing to the users. You won’t get any clicks.

You should use high-quality images and not generic stock photography or photos you don’t have the right to use. Until you are popular, don’t use your Logo.

Below, you’ll learn which types of images work best and where you can get them.


Facebook advertising tips: The images of people work best. A preferably close and attractive face that resembles your target audience is needed.

Facebook encourages good-quality pictures, and Ad images are small (100 x 72 pixels). Make sure to use good-quality pictures with our blurry photos.

Advanced tips: Use People images with better text, which is more likely to read your ad.


Clear, readable type with good colours and bold letters can attract clicks and make your ad stand out.


Amusing and eccentric images tend to generate higher click-through rates, and a prime illustration of this phenomenon is the content found on platforms like 9GAG, featuring cheeseburgers and other humorous content.

Unfortunately, Conversion won’t happen all the time. Out of curiosity, people may click, but it may not be a good lead.

How to create Images?

You can create your own or go with licensed images by paying.

Facebook advertising tips: You can get licensed images in iStockphoto or Big Stock, but choose pictures suitable for your business or Industry and be selective.

We always recommend cropping images of stock or licensed images with Aadtext, which will help actual users.

Facebook Rotating Ads

Facebook advertising tips: Create a campaign with at least three ads with the same interest targets. Using a small number of ads will allow you to gather data on each one. Out of 3 ads, two ads may run better, and you can delete a later ad that is not performing.

Create a Facebook Ad copy.

Ad with Image: Hopefully, you will read your ad text.

We can still use the famous copywriting formula AIDA, as mentioned below:

Attention: Grab the attention of the users with creative and grabbing headlines

Interest: Get the user interested in your product or services by describing the most important benefits of using it.

First and foremost, pique the user’s interest by highlighting the most crucial benefits of your product or service.

Subsequently, elaborate on these advantages to comprehensively understand how they can enhance the user’s experience.

Desire: Create immediate desire for your product with a discount, free trial, or a limited-time offer.

AIDA is a lot to fit with 115 characters. Write 5 – 10 Ads until you can fit a brief sale pitch with your Ad.

Ad Example:

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Facebook Ads – Bidding

Like on any Ad network, Strategic bidding can mean the difference between a profile and a failed test.

After you create an Ad, Facebook will provide a suggested bid range. When you’re just starting, set your bid near the low end of this range.

Facebook advertising tips: Your CTR will quickly start to dictate the price you’ll need to pay for traffic. If your CTR is high, your suggested bids will decrease. If your CTR is low, you must bid more for each click.

Optimize your Ads and targets to increase your CTR continually.

Apart from the click volume, your bid will also dictate how much of your target audience you can reach. Facebook provides a chart for every campaign by showing the size of your audience, how much of that audience you’ve reached, etc.

Increasing your bid will help your ad reach more of your target audience. Let’s say your Ad is performing well, but you’re gaining less than 75% of your target audience; you can increase your campaign budget to get more clicks. Landing Pages:

Apart from the clicks, getting a conversion from clicks is more important.

Make sure to send him to a target with a relevant landing page. You know his age, interests, and gender, so show him a page where he can solve his problems.

The landing page should always contain the registration form or email submit box that you’ll track as Conversion. However, Focus the landing page on this action. And not at the later stage. If you want visitors to sign up for your newsletter, show them the benefits and offer a free trial or gift for their email.

How do you track Performance?

Facebook no longer offers conversion tracking. However, Facebook Insights is great for data within Facebook but can’t provide information on users who have left this site.

To properly track the Performance of your Facebook campaigns, You’ll need to use an analytics program like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics.

Performance Tracking

You will also need to monitor your Performance within the Facebook interface. “Click-through rate” is the most important metric to track. Your CTR affects the number of clicks you’ll receive and the amount you will pay per click.

In other words, Ads with a low CTR will stop serving or become more expensive. Keep a close eye on CTR by Interest and Ads to learn which audiences work best and which ads resonate with them because Ads with a high CTR will generate as many clicks as will fit within your budget.

In certain scenarios, the best Ad’s Performance will decline over time. The smaller your target audience is, the faster this will happen. Usually, you’ll see your traffic start to a drop-off in 3-10 days.

The best way to do this is to refresh the ads with new images and copy. Duplicate your existing ads, and then change the images and ad text. But Do not edit the existing Ad. Delete any existing Ads not getting clicks. You will see the new ads accruing impressions and clicks by the next day.

They monitor the Image’s Performance over time to see which ones generate the best CTR and maintain their traffic for the longest time. You can rotate high-performing photos every few weeks until they stop getting clicked.


In Conclusion, Despite the learning curve, Facebook advertising can be a great marketing channel for the right business. The most important points to remember are to target specific interests, use good-resolution images with clear text, give users a low-friction conversion, and track everything important to you.

Above all, Over some time, let’s say a week or three weeks of learning what works for your business, you’ll be able to generate a steady source of conversions from the world’s largest social network. Now It’s your turn to leave feedback or comment.

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